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CCRL Petition Against Demands for Ideological Conformity, “Just check the box!”

We must dare to dissent. As Catholic Christians, we need to live within the truth. We have a far more profound understanding of the meaning of the human person, formed in the image and likeness of God. The effort of the federal government to impose the euphemism of “reproductive rights” or “inclusion”, in opposition to profound understandings of science and our Catholic faith, in order to secure a modest public benefit, is an outrageous diktat more suited to oppressive regimes.

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The Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL) Welcomes the PC Leadership Campaign of Our Board Member Tanya Granic Allen

We look forward to Tanya’s efforts. In fact, Tanya’s candidacy will challenge the prevailing media mindset about the views of typical Ontarians, who have been subjected to incremental limitations on our cherished freedoms. We are hopeful that a fair treatment of her candidacy will bring serious attention to matters of grave consequence to this province, and to Canada.

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The Trudeau Government – Abortion Absolutists – Imposes its Will over the Conscientious and Religious Freedoms of Canadians

The Prime Minister’s position at “drawing a line” on prolife positions is utterly unacceptable, since it violates the very Charter of Rights and Freedoms which is cited by the government as the basis of its policy. It allows certain policy positions to trump constitutional protections. It suggests that in order to receive government benefits, compliance with the government’s position is required. It actually serves to suppress free speech and association rights, by requiring compelled speech, or silence, in compliance with the ideology of the governing party.

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Toronto, ON, M6S 1P1
Phone: 416-466-8244
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