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The “Slippery Slope” of Euthanasia in Canada and Recent Developments

The CCRL has submitted in the past that “the continuance of historically recognized allowances, or work arounds that facilitate religious objection, should be maintained as part of our social fabric, and in recognition of the authentic pluralism of a free and democratic society.  A forced compulsion over such rights is the negation of a truly authentic pluralist society.”

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CCRL 2023 Holy Week Update and Appeal

Sadly, our research indicates that incidents of church attacks increase at Easter. As so, we are bracing ourselves and keeping watch as we prepare to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord.If you are in a position to increase your almsgiving this Lenten period as we approach the Holy Triduum, we ask that you remember the CCRL.

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The Catholic Civil Rights League Mourns the Death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

The Catholic Civil Rights League Mourns the Death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

We have been blessed and are incredibly grateful to have had the guidance from Pope Benedict XVI to assist and sustain us with the fullness of Catholic teachings in matters of public importance in Canada and the world.  We can find numerous references in his words where he brought Christ and the theology of the Church to the public square, against the onslaught of efforts to remove positions of faith from public engagement. May our former Supreme Pontiff find peace and rest in the comfort of the promises of Christ.  May we be inspired to find our own friendship with Christ, as Pope Emeritus Benedict encouraged.

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The CCRL Submits Critical Feedback to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) Decrying their Proposed Changes to the Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide Policy for Ontario’s Doctors

The acceptance of abortion, or euthanasia, soon to be provided for those with mental illness, should not be allowed to undermine the charism of Catholic hospitals.  That was not the intended effect of such changes to the law.  The people of Ontario, whether of faith or no faith, have not turned against Catholic hospitals with such a fierce intolerance.

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© 2015 Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL)

2305 Bloor Street West
Toronto, ON, M6S 1P1
Phone: 416-466-8244
Fax: 416-466-0091
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We are Canada’s only lay organization devoted exclusively to combating anti-Catholic defamation and to bringing Church teaching to bear on issues of public debate.