An Easter Message from CCRL President Phil Horgan

TORONTO, ON April 2, 2018 – Please accept the CCRL’s very best for a joyous Easter. Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen! Inspiration for the journey of the next 50 days, and thereafter, can come from the encounter with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. While only a...

David Warren’s CCRL AGM Keynote Available Online

On Friday, February 2, at the League’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Toronto, our guest speaker David Warren gave the following talk: Journalist and author David Warren is the proprietor...

2017 CCRL Annual Report

Events and Engagements March for Life, Ottawa On May 11, the Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL) was pleased to extend its continued support for the national March for Life in Ottawa with representation from across the country. The theme for this year’s march was Life...