Help the CCRL with our Church Attacks Database

Toronto, ON December 15, 2021 – On November 23, the Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL) launched its Church Attacks Database, accessible from  cataloging attacks against Catholic churches in Canada ranging from the breaking of stained-glass windows, to...

Burning Down Churches is Not the Answer

Toronto, ON July 1, 2021 – On June 22, the Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL) decried the burning down of two Catholic Churches in British Columbia on June 21, National Indigenous People’s Day. In less than ten days, two more churches in BC have been attacked in...

Death on Demand Comes to Canada with Euthanasia Expansion

Toronto, ON March 18, 2021 – As of yesterday evening, Canadians can be killed by a doctor more easily. With the enactment of Bill C-7 into law, there is no longer a requirement to be in a state of a terminal illness where death is “reasonably foreseeable.” For those...