Media Watch

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Secular Christmas celebration pointless, Pope says

Vatican, Dec. 19 ( – At his weekly public audience on December 19, Pope Benedict XVI said that a secular Christmas celebration is impossible. “If we do not recognize that God was made man, what sense does it have to celebrate Christmas?”...

Catholic magazine target of human rights complaint

TORONTO, Ont., December 20, 2007 – Canada’s national Catholic magazine of news, opinion and analysis has joined a range of other, prominent publications, groups and individuals who have recently become targets of human rights-based legal attacks. The Canadian...

Merry Christmas from everyone at the League

TORONTO, Dec. 18, 2007 – Many Christians believe Christ was effectively taken out of Christmas years ago, when December became better known as the make-it-or-break it season for retailers than the celebration of Advent and the birth of the Messiah. In recent...

Ligue appuie APCQ

Mémoire présenté à la Commission de consultation sur les pratiques d’accommodements raisonnables par l’Association des parents catholiques du Québec. Ce mémoire, présenté le 10 décembre, est appuyé par la Ligue catholique des droits de l’homme.

Whatcott loses appeal from Human Rights Tribunal decision

REGINA, Sask. Dec. 14, 2007 – The appeal by William Whatcott to the Saskatchewan Court of Queen’s Bench from his conviction and fine of $17,500.00 by the Saskatchewan Human Rights Tribunal was denied by the Judgment of Mr. Justice F. Kovatch in a decision received on...