No new sins, just old media biases

March 11, 2008 ( – When he finished his interview with L’Osservatore Romano, Archishop Gianfranco Girotti probably thought that his main message had been an appeal to Catholics to use the sacrament of Confession. Little did he know that the...

League welcomes result of vote on Bill C-484

OTTAWA, March 5, 2008 – The Catholic Civil Rights League is pleased to note that Bill C-484, which would grant legal recognition to unborn children killed or injured during the course of a crime against their mothers, today achieved the necessary majority (147 to 132)...

Debate police hit another campus

TORONTO, March 3, 2008 – The Catholic Civil Rights League today commented on how a scheduled debate was cancelled at York University Feb. 28 just hours before it was to take place because the school’s student union insisted that abortion is not debatable.   There...

Latimer case challenges rights of disabled, says League

TORONTO, February 28, 2008 – The Catholic Civil Rights League today commented on the decision of the appeal division of the National Parole Board to release Robert Latimer on day parole. Mr. Latimer, who had appealed an earlier decision to deny parole, has been...

Morgentaler not on Order of Canada list for 2008

OTTAWA, February 20, 2008 – (CCRL)  – Earlier this month, The Globe and Mail reported that some Canadian abortion activists were stepping up efforts to have Dr. Morgentaler awarded Canada’s highest civilian honour, the Order of Canada, for his years...

Keep prayer in the legislature, says League

TORONTO, February 13, 2008 – The Catholic Civil Rights League today commented on Premier McGuinty’s proposal for alternatives to the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer at the opening of sessions in the Ontario Legislature. Citing the need to reflect Ontario’s cultural...