Lahey outrage shows Church is learning as well as sinning

by Father Raymond J. De Souza Regarding the distressing news about the child pornography charges brought against Bishop Raymond Lahey, former bishop of Antigonish, one cannot improve upon the letter Archbishop Anthony Mancini sent to the faithful of Nova Scotia and...

Factum filed in prostitution case

TORONTO, Ont. Oct. 7, 2009 – The Catholic Civil Rights League, Christian Legal Fellowship and REAL Women of Canada have filed their factum in the court challenge to Canada’s prostitution laws. Their arguments emphasize the shared morality of Canadians, and point out...

Bill C-384 debated in Parliament

OTTAWA, Oct. 6, 2009 (CCRL) – Bill C-384, the private member’s bill that would legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia in certain cases, received its first hour of parliamentary debate on Friday, Oct. 2. The debate included eight speeches on C-384 with two in favour:...

League to participate in case involving prostitution laws

TORONTO, Sept. 22, 2009 – The Catholic Civil Rights League is pleased to announce that its joint application to intervene in the national challenge to Canada’s prostitution laws has been accepted by the Ontario Court of Appeal. The intervention, filed in...

Catholic school board faces human rights complaint

GUELPH, Ontario, September 11, 2009 (CCRL) – The Wellington Catholic District School Board has recently had a human rights complaint filed against it because of its policy, standard in all Ontario Catholic elementary school boards, of only hiring teachers who...


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