Appeal of assisted suicide ruling welcome

OTTAWA, July 16, 2012 – The Catholic Civil Rights League is pleased to learn that the federal government will appeal last month’s BC Supreme Court ruling in Carter v Canada that struck down Canada’s ban on assisted suicide (League press releases, June 15). The League...

Book not banned

Re: “Vatican snuffs out a breath of fresh air” (June 10). Maureen Dowd’s claim that the Vatican is trying to send women back to the Dark Ages would not be taken seriously by anyone who has even a faint acquaintance with the modern Church. The columnist has mixed in a...

BC assisted suicide ruling raises serious concerns, says League

VANCOUVER, BC June 15, 2012 – Today’s ruling of the B.C. Supreme Court calling for liberalization of Canada’s assisted suicide laws devalues the lives of the disabled and is not in keeping with how Parliament has voted on the issue, says the Catholic Civil Rights...

League honours Michael O’Brien

TORONTO ON June 8, 2012 – The League honoured artist, author and Catholic thinker Michael O’Brien with this year’s Archbishop Adam Exner Award for Catholic Excellence in Public Life at its annual dinner in Toronto June 7. After Mr. O’Brien was...

League welcomes repeal of Section 13

OTTAWA, ON June 8, 2012 – The Catholic Civil Rights League is pleased that Parliament has voted to repeal Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, as a result of a vote of 153 to 136 June 6. Section 13, which prohibits hate speech on the Internet, (and Section 54,...