by CCRL | Jul 30, 2021 | Issues, Media Watch, News
Toronto, ON July 30, 2021 – On June 22, the Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL) decried the burning down of two Catholic Churches in British Columbia on June 21, National Indigenous People’s Day. On July 1, Canada Day, the League issued another press release Burning...
by CCRL | Jul 1, 2021 | Issues, News
Toronto, ON July 1, 2021 – On June 22, the Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL) decried the burning down of two Catholic Churches in British Columbia on June 21, National Indigenous People’s Day. In less than ten days, two more churches in BC have been attacked in...
by CCRL | Jun 22, 2021 | Issues, News
Toronto, ON June 22, 2021 – The Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL) laments the loss of two century old Catholic churches in the Okanagan region of British Colombia, destroyed by suspected arson in the early morning of June 21. The Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL)...