Sacred Heart Ukrainian Catholic Church suffers theft and ransacking of interior, reports CBC News.

At the Sacred Heart Ukrainian Catholic Church, the Kostur’s noticed something was not right. Richard Kostur, and his wife had been maintaining the property, coming to cut the grass. Richard Kostur had noticed a cross had been placed on the property, a cross that did not belong outside.

He called his wife over to give him the keys to open the church building thinking that something may be amiss. He was correct. The inside of the church had been thoroughly ravaged. Objects had been strewn about and they noticed some candles had been taken off both altars.

Dauphin RCMP are investigating and the Kostur’s made them an itemized list to see if anything else had been stolen. Not only had the candles been taken but also an amount of gold plated crucifixes. Two poles that held up an image of Jesus had been pushed over, and the toppers of the poles, which were gold, also were taken.

The church had been built in 1938, and was opening up on July 14 for their annual mass.