OTTAWA, October 5, 2006 The Catholic Civil Rights League today commented on the current spate of media reports on what proposals the government might put forward if the promised free vote in Parliament on revisiting the definition of marriage results in a no.
The timing of the vote has been the subject of much speculation, as has been its outcome. Most daily newspapers are stating that the vote will be no, and that various measures for the protection of religious freedom may then be considered to uphold the rights of those who do not wish to support same sex marriage, through their work or in other areas.
We see no point in joining in some kind of guessing game, but we do find it significant that so much now is being written about a matter that many believed was closed but for the formality of the free vote, said League President Phil Horgan. Many of the Leagues supporters gave up part of their summer to visit their MPs to discuss this issue. Its quite possible weve touched a nerve.
Not only do we continue to encourage MPs to vote to reconsider this issue, we also encourage them to focus not so much on the wishes and needs of adults, as too many seem to be doing, but rather on the needs of children. As we saw recently in the Three Parent case, the redefinition of marriage has serious implications for how children will be raised, and whether they even have the right to know their biological identity. We also have the BC schools situation, which underlines that parental rights to have input in their childrens education can be threatened by the redefinition of marriage.
A vote to re-visit the question, with the attendant likelihood of new hearings to consider all the implications for childrens rights, is the best way to ensure that the best interests of the family are given top priority.
About CCRL
Catholic Civil Rights League ( assists in creating conditions within which Catholic teachings can be better understood, cooperates with other organizations in defending civil rights in Canada, and opposes defamation and discrimination against Catholics on the basis of their beliefs. CCRL was founded in 1985 as an independent lay organization. The Catholic Civil Rights League is a Canadian non-profit organization entirely supported by the generosity of its members.