If you live in the Toronto area or are planning to visit later this month, please join us for our annual general meeting Oct. 28. We will begin by attending the 5:30 Mass at St. Michael’s Cathedral, which is being offered in memory of the late League director Frederick W. Hill, OC, and other deceased League supporters. We will then proceed to the Bond Place Hotel for our meeting beginning at 7 pm. A light buffet will be available.

We’re especially pleased to be joined this year by Gwen Landolt, national vice president of REAL Women of Canada, who will be guest speaker.

REAL Women of Canada (Realistic, Equal, Active, for Life) is a non-partisan, non-denominational organization of women which was federally incorporated in 1983.

Its members come from all walks of life, occupations, social and economic backgrounds. Some members work full or part time outside the home, while some mainly work in the home.  The League has worked with REAL Women on a number of joint projects, including the current legal challenge to Canada’s prostitution laws.

The League’s annual report will be presented at the meeting. We will also present our slate of directors for voting by members. You are a voting member of the League if your name and complete address are in our database, and you have made a donation in the 12 months ending Oct. 28.

The League relies completely on the financial support of its members. Donate now.