TORONTO, May 3, 2005 The Catholic Civil Rights League ( is pleased to note that the global online auctioneer eBay has changed its policy in the wake of the recent controversy over its hosting of the sale of a consecrated communion host (League press releases, April 21).
Were glad that the concerted efforts of so many individuals and groups, including the league, have led to this positive change in eBays policies, said League President Phil Horgan. Because most of the posting processes are automated, we join eBay in encouraging all users to be vigilant about enforcing it.
In a letter to the league, eBays Community Watch Team said the worldwide reaction caused them to review their policies. They said they consulted with a number of users, especially Catholic users, and also sought input from members of other faiths about sacred items that might be inappropriate for sale. We have concluded that sales of the Eucharist, and similar highly sacred items, are not appropriate on eBay. We have, therefore, broadened our policies and will remove those types of listings should they appear on the site in the future.
As always, we welcome and appreciate the assistance of the community in upholding the rules of our site. Should you see another Eucharist listed on our site, we encourage you to notify us so that we can take appropriate action.
About CCRL
Catholic Civil Rights League ( assists in creating conditions within which Catholic teachings can be better understood, cooperates with other organizations in defending civil rights in Canada, and opposes defamation and discrimination against Catholics on the basis of their beliefs. CCRL was founded in 1985 as an independent lay organization. The Catholic Civil Rights League is a Canadian non-profit organization entirely supported by the generosity of its members.
For further information: Joanne McGarry, Executive Director, 416-466-8244;