By Hilary White

OTTAWA, November 27, 2007 ( – Information available from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) shows that Canada’s Conservative government is donating millions that will help fund the anti-life activities of the United Nations Population Fund, International Planned Parenthood and UNICEF, all under the auspices of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).

The CTF compiled a list of the top 100 contributions paid by the Conservatives for the 2006/07 fiscal year showing that $44,050,000 went to the UNFPA, and $18 million each went to Planned Parenthood and UNICEF.

Other key organisations in the international population control movement that received huge payouts from Canadian taxpayer’s funds included World Health Organization, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the World Bank.

CTF federal director John Williamson said, “While some public money is spent on legitimate initiatives and activities that fall within public expectations, funds are also spent questionably, inefficiently and in some cases, outright irresponsibly.”

Canada’s complicity in the population control movement is longstanding. Under previous governments, Canada was a leading force in the efforts to “limit” human population growth, especially in the developing world. Major weapons in the crusade have been artificial contraception, sterilization and abortion.

In 2000, the Liberals’ Canadian International Cooperation Minister, Maria Minna, unveiled a $2.8 billion five-year plan to promote population control, abortion, abortifacient contraception, homosexuality and sex education targeted at poor nations.

In its literature CIDA admits to having abortion “rights” as a fundamental part of development. A CIDA document states, “Canadians affirm the highest attainable standard of physical, mental and reproductive health as a human right, an essential resource for everyday life and a crucial investment for global prosperity, security and equitable social development.” The term “reproductive health” is the recognised euphemism for abortion, sterilization and contraception among international aid organisations.

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