OTTAWA, May 16, 2012 – The League wrote May 11 to federal Heritage Minister, James Moore, as well as to the museum itself to protest the exhibit “Sex: a Tell-All Exhibition”, scheduled to run at Ottawa’s Museum of Science and Technology May 18 to early next year. The exhibit, which includes detailed, “non-judgmental” information about sexual relations, masturbation, abortion and other topics, complete with photographs and interactive questions-and-answers, is geared to youth age 12 and up, with younger children admitted if accompanied by an adult.
In our letter, we challenged both the content of the show and the public funding of the museum. “Based on information from the museum’s own website, as well as on information provided to a local contact during a preview, this material is far too advanced and detailed for the age group for which it is intended, and in any case has little if anything to do with the museum’s stated mandate “to help the public to understand the ongoing relationships between science, technology and Canadian society.” The League urges you to review the funding of this institution if this exhibit goes ahead as planned.” Many League members sent messages of protest.
By the time of the show’s opening, protest had caused the museum to raise the admission age to 16 and remove a few especially offensive photographs. The museum was still extolling the merits of the show, however. Given how little the exhibit has to do with science and technology, it’s quite possible the real aim is publicity.
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Ottawa’s award-winning way of killing off childhood, Michael Coren, May 14.
“Sex: A tell-all exhibition” draws fire from CCRL, Catholic Register, May 15