- The Vatican
- Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Ontario Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Ontario Catholic School Trustees Association
- Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute
- Canadian Federation of Catholic Physicians Societies
- Catholic Directory for Canada
- Catholic Health Association of Canada
- Centre for Cultural Renewal
- Archdiocese of Toronto
- For returning Catholics
- U.S. Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
- Catholic Educators’ Resource Centre
- Catholic Women’s League of Canada
- Knights of Columbus, Ontario State Council
- Equipping Christians for the Public Square
- Real Women of Canada
- Institute for Canadian Values
- Canada Familly Action Coalition
- Campaign Life Coalition
- Christian Legal Fellowship
- Canadian Physicians for Life
- Priests for Life Canada
- Catholic World News
- Catholic Register
- BC Catholic
- Holy Mother World Networks (radio)
- Canadian Catholic Radio
- Life Site News
- Salt and Light Television
- The Vatican’s website: www.vatican.va
- Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops: www.cccb.ca
- Ontario Conference of Catholic Bishops: www.occb.on.ca
- Ontario Catholic School Trustees Association: www.ocsta.on.ca
- Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute: ww.utoronto.ca/stmikes/bioethics
- Canadian Federation of Catholic Physicians Societies, www.canadiancatholicphysicians.com
- Catholic Directory for Canada: http://www.hamiltondiocese.com/catholicanada/pages/
- Catholic Health Association of Canada: www.chac.ca
- Centre for Cultural Renewal: www.culturalrenewal.ca
- Archdiocese of Toronto: www.archtoronto.org
- For returning Catholics: www.wearecatholic.ca
- U.S. Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights: www.catholicleague.org
- Catholic Educators’ Resource Centre: www.catholiceducation.org
- Catholic Women’s League of Canada: www.cwl.ca
- Knights of Columbus, Ontario State Council: www.osc-koc.com
- Equipping Christians for the Public Square: www.ecpcenter.org
- Real Women of Canada: www.realwomenca.com
- Institute for Canadian Values: www.canadianvalues.ca
- Canada Familly Action Coalition: www.familyaction.org
- Campaign Life Coalition: www.campaignlifecoalition.com
- Christian Legal Fellowship: www.christianlegalfellowship.org
- Canadian Physicians for Life: www.physiciansforlife.ca
- Priests for Life Canada: www.priestsforlifecanada.com/rosary.htm
- Toronto Right to Life Association: www.righttolifetoronto.org
- Catholic World News: www.cwnews.com
- Catholic Register: www.catholicregister.org
- BC Catholic: www.bcc.rcav.org
- Holy Mother World Networks (radio): http://www.hmwn.net/
- Canadian Catholic Radio: www.canadiancatholicradio.ca
- Life Site news: www.lifesite.net
- Salt and Light Television: www.saltandlighttv.org
To suggest an addition to this list, e-mail your link to: ccrl@ccrl.ca.
The League does not necessarily endorse the content of external websites.
They are listed as informational resources only.