On Suffering

The bond between Catholics and suffering can seem awfully strange to an outsider — even to an insider. Many saints, even those among the gentlest and holiest, sought suffering as a way to get closer to Christ on the cross. Despite all the sentimental associations as a...

The Power of Prayer

Can prayer take the place of morphine? Is prayer powerful enough to subdue chronic pain? Should one even try to go that route? Should I? This is territory I have been thinking about for the past few months. It came up after telling a friend how tired I was of being...

Render Unto Caesar

As Catholics we have books galore to help us answer important questions and aide us in our faith journey: The Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Bible, prayer books and lives of the saints, are just a few of what is out there. We also have great authors who can...

The Media and Christianity

In the wake of the tragic events of Orlando there has been the usual pointing of fingers at religion in general as the root cause of all anti-gay violence and hate. Most of us are not surprised by these general and ignorant attacks. We have been hearing it long enough...


In the latest Catholic Register, I write about a I talk I heard by the esteemed author and professor of Jewish studies, Rabbi David Novak of the University of Toronto. The article, Autonomy’s Open Road, goes through Rabbi Novak’s arguments against the notion of the...