A Letter from the Physicians’ Alliance Against Euthanasia

The League thanks CCRL board member Dr. Nicholas Newman, and the Physicians’ Alliance Against Euthanasia for the following letter. It was originally published in the French language newspaper La Presse, on December 10, 2016. Dr Nicholas Newman, orthopedic...

2016 CCRL Annual Report

Events and Engagements March for Life, Ottawa On May 12, the Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL) was pleased to extend its continued support for the national March for Life taking place in Ottawa with representation from across the country. The theme for this year’s...


For about four years I suffered from serious spinal pain. Then five months ago it began to abate. I suddenly imagined myself going back to the gym, riding my bike and travelling. I even lowered the amount of morphine I had been taking all these years to a bare...

Ross Douthat and 1 Corinthians

On a recent evening at St. Michael’s College in Toronto about 200 of us were treated to a talk by Ross Douthat, the esteemed New York Times columnist. Mr. Douthat holds the honour of being the only openly Catholic columnist at the Times. More than a self-identified...

The Right Side of History?

What is the right side of history? That question came up during a recent discussion I had with a decidedly secular friend. I was lamenting the fact that so many Catholics make up their own belief system rather than stick with actual Church teaching. Some call this...

The Assumption

I am writing this on the morning after the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I attended Mass at Holy Family in Toronto last night. The church was packed. And those who were there are likely feeling the same glow I feel this morning. Of course,...