The closed minds of today’s intellectuals

By David Warren Over the last fortnight I have been writing much about threats to freedom of speech and press in Canada, without mentioning the rest of the world. “Human rights” commissions or the like – kangaroo courts and star chambers designed to...

Pro-life view deserves equal time, says League

TORONTO, January 18, 2008 – The Catholic Civil Rights League today criticized the denial of official club status to a pro-life club at Lakehead University and expressed concern about the growth of such incidents in Canada’s universities over the past few years. There...

Bishop Henry calls for overhaul of human rights commissions

By Deborah Gyapong Canadian Catholic News CALGARY Bishop Fred Henry is calling for an overhaul of legislation governing human rights commissions. “Human rights laws, designed as a shield, are now being used as a sword,” Henry wrote in a December 31 email...

CCRL in Ottawa

Subscribe to our newsletter and E-News update service for current information about the League’s advocacy activities. We are a non-partisan organization striving to participate in public debate on moral issues. Regardless of your politics, the League encourages...