John Paul II: A best seller in life and in death

By Father Thomas Rosica, CSB   (April 2, 2008) – Today marks the third anniversary of death of Pope John Paul II. For three solid weeks in April of 2005, we were inundated with words, stories, images and rich ceremonies coming to us from Rome — images...

“Resist, counter and protest”

VANCOUVER, March 22, 2008 – The Catholic Civil Rights League will collaborate with other groups “to develop strategies that concerned parents can employ to passively and actively resist, counter and protest” the kind of instruction recommended by a new teachers’...

Feue l’identite Chretienne du Quebec

par Richard Bastien, Directeur Les médias signalaient récemment que le chef de l’ADQ, Mario Dumont, trouve « extrêmement intéressante » l’idée de créer un ministère de l’identité nationale au Québec, idée qu’il aurait eue à la suite de sa rencontre avec un ministre du...

“Serious concerns” raised about BC teacher guide

VANCOUVER, BC, March 14, 2008 – The Catholic Civil Rights League today released what a retired UBC professor of education calls “a comprehensive, finely detailed, extensively researched and documented critique” of a teachers’ manual designed to fulfil a private...