Appeal denied in union dues diversion case

TORONTO, May 29, 2008 – The Catholic Civil Rights League today expressed disappointment that the appeal of Susan Comstock, a League member who sought a diversion of mandatory union dues on conscientious grounds, has been unsuccessful.    The appeal,...

League criticizes student anti-free speech motions

TORONTO, ON May 28, 2008 – The Catholic Civil Rights League today criticized resolutions of the York University Federation of Students (YFS) aimed at denying pro-life groups any official status on campus. The move follows its cancellation last spring of a campus...

Advertising group says ads are “deceptive”

OTTAWA, ON, May 26, 2008 – In a ruling last week, Advertising Standards Canada (ASC) rejected evidence from Statistics Canada and declared that pro-life billboards which said abortions are allowed in Canada throughout all nine months of pregnancy were...

B.C. campus abortion debate reaches compromise

VANCOUVER, BC, May 21, 2008 – The Capilano College Student Union has agreed that a pro-life student group can operate on campus next year, avoiding a hearing at the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal, The compromise, the specific terms of which are...

Religious freedom challenged in OHRT ruling

TORONTO, Ont. April 28, 2008 – A recent decision of the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal raises significant concerns about the freedom of religious organizations to require employees to pledge to adhere to tenets of a religious faith. The Tribunal (OHRT) recently...