Conflicts of Conscience in Health Care: Commentary

Conflicts of Conscience in Health Care was published in 2008 as the 24th volume in the Basic Bioethics series from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is an American book dealing with the American political and legal controversies over freedom of conscience...

Faith groups’ hiring rights under the microscope

TORONTO, Ont. Dec. 15, 2009 – Arguments begin today in Ontario Divisional Court in the appeal of  the decision by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal against Christian Horizons. The Tribunal ruled against the social service agency in April, 2008, stating that...

The use of union dues for non-workplace advocacy

Many Canadians object to having their mandatory union dues used to promote various social agendas such as same sex “marriage”, anti-life legislation and other issues that are deeply informed by religious values. The League has been involved with several such cases,...