The question of Catholic school funding

As Ontario prepares for an election in October, several groups are trying to raise the question of continued funding for the province’s Catholic elementary and secondary schools. Some claim that all publicly-funded schools would be operated more efficiently if there...

Euthanasia: Pressures mounting for liberalized laws

Medical science, social attitudes and demographic pressures are creating calls for liberalized laws on euthanasia and assisted suicide. The League supports Church teaching that life is sacred from conception to natural death, and participates as much as possible in...

Senate Passes Bill C-250 – A Chill is in the Air

Release Date: April 29, 2004 For Immediate Release: Senate Passes Bill C-250 – A Chill is in the Air The prolonged efforts of numerous citizens and groups, including the Catholic Civil Rights League, to oppose the passage of Bill C-250 have failed with the final...