by Charles Lewis | Jun 24, 2016 | Editorials by Charles Lewis
In the wake of the tragic events of Orlando there has been the usual pointing of fingers at religion in general as the root cause of all anti-gay violence and hate. Most of us are not surprised by these general and ignorant attacks. We have been hearing it long enough...
by Charles Lewis | Jun 21, 2016 | Editorials by Charles Lewis
In the latest Catholic Register, I write about a I talk I heard by the esteemed author and professor of Jewish studies, Rabbi David Novak of the University of Toronto. The article, Autonomy’s Open Road, goes through Rabbi Novak’s arguments against the notion of the...
by Charles Lewis | Jun 17, 2016 | Editorials by Charles Lewis
What is going on with us? How is it the Catholic voice has been suppressed to a whisper? Why is it we lose battle after battle, including the recent fight to stop euthanasia from becoming legal? How is it so many Catholics have become afraid to stand up for their...