League praises Cardinal Ambrozic’s service to Church in Canada

TORONTO, ON August 26, 2011 – Statement from Philip Horgan, President of the Catholic Civil Rights League: Members of the Catholic Civil Rights League were greatly saddened to learn of the death this morning of His Eminence Cardinal Ambrozic. He was a great...

School policies must respect parents’ rights, says League

TORONTO, ON August 25, 2011 – As schools re-open across Canada, many League members are involved in situations challenging parental authority in religious education, such as in Quebec, where moves against traditional religious content are extending even to...

CBSC downplays concerns about “watershed hour”

TORONTO, August 22, 2011 – On July 28, HBO Canada aired the documentary “Hugh Hefner, Playboy, Activist and Rebel” at 3:30 p.m. Because the program featured adult topics and nude photographs it was clearly outside the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council’s...

World Youth Day coverage misleading

TORONTO, ON Aug. 23, 2011 – World Youth Day in Madrid did not attract a great deal of media coverage and what there was tended to focus on a small protest rather than on the large number of pilgrims. Concerns about costs were reported deadpan, despite the easily...

Reports says religious freedom declining worldwide

UNITED NATIONS, August 10, 2011 – Religious tolerance is in retreat in many parts of the world, with one third of people facing increased harassment in the practice of their faith, a new study says. Religious freedom has increased for only one per cent of the world’s...