Canadian attitudes don’t match legal vacuum on abortion

OTTAWA, ON November 1, 2011(CCRL) – The annual poll by Life Canada has found that most Canadians want some legal protection for the unborn, and in general do not support public funding of most abortions. In results released yesterday, seventy-two percent of Canadians...

Articles on Media Bias

How the Media Twist the News, Sheila Gribben Liuaugminas, Catholic Educator’s Resource Centre Media Coverage of the Catholic Church: Executive Summary – Center for Media and Public Affairs, Catholic Educator’s Resource Centre Religion and the News...

CCRL welcomes changes to Act of Settlement

TORONTO, On October 29, 2011 – On Friday December 28, the leaders of the Commonwealth approved a motion that would make succession to the Crown based on age rather than gender, and would allow heirs to the throne to marry a Catholic without losing their place in...

CCRL announces board changes at AGM

TORONTO, ON October 18, 2011 – The Catholic Civil Rights League elected a new regional director to its boardat its Annual General Meeting October 13, and announced one resignation. Christian D. Elia, former director of the Office for Catholic Youth in the Archdiocese...