TORONTO, October 9, 2013 – The annual general meeting of the Catholic Civil Rights League, will take place Thursday, October 24 beginning with the 5:30 pm Mass at St. Michael’s Cathedral with reception and meeting to follow immediately at St. Michael’s Choir School Auditorium.

Guest speaker is Janine Langan, professor of theology and founding coordinator of the Christianity and Culture program at the University of St. Michael’s College. Meeting will feature the launch of “An Anthology of Witness”, a book of reflections by the late Thomas Langan, co-founder and long-time president of the CCRL. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The meeting will also include the presentation of CCRL’s annual activity and financial reports, and slate of directors for the coming year. You are a voting member of the League if your name and address are in our database and you have made a donation within the past year. For more information, call 416-466-8244 or e-mail